Author: Site_Manager

The SWCD has conducted interviews for the summer intern positions at the County Farm. The intern selections were made on April 14th. Tanner Chamberlain and Nathan Tesmer will be the County Farm caregivers for the 2018 Summer season. The start date for both interns will...

If you are curious about No-Till, Cover Crops, Equipment, Nutrient Management, etc. then the No-Till Farmer Site has some GREAT Videos you can investigate.  ...

At the March Annual Meeting, Rob Shellhamer our District Chairman was re-appointed as supervisor. Kevin Cordes was re-elected and continues to hold his supervisor position. The board then met to elect the following officer slate: Chairman-Rob Shellhamer, Vice-Chairman-Bobby Hettmansperger, Secretary/Treasurer-Kevin Cordes, Fiscal Officer-Tashina Lahr-Manifold. In the...